Musical Joy




Aghora is a progressive metal band from Miami Florida formed in 1995 by Guitarist Santiago Dobles. In 2000 they released their first album a self titled piece, Aghora. It was recorded in 1999 with Sean Malone, Sean Reinert of Cynic and Death, Charlie Ekendahl, and Danishta Rivero. Since then the band had gone through some line up changes. In fact Santiago Dobles is the only remaining member who was apart of the original group. The new members were Diana Serra, Giann Rubio, and Alan Goldstein. In May of 2007 Aghora globally released their second album entitled “Formless” through the Seasons of Mist label. The band has shared the stage with such artists as Allan Holdsworth, Kamelot, Sonata Artica, Deicide, The Absence, and Necrophagist.

Albums (That I Own)

  1. Formless (2007) – The second album by Aghora. This album has an eastern feel to it, particularly with the intro and outro of the album, yet otherwise is rather repetitious. Most of the songs fall into the cliche of clean verse and distorted choruses. This is particularly noticeable in the third song of the album. I do however enjoy the singing from lead vocalist Diana Serra.

In Conclusion
I was disappointed with this album. I had heard the first song and though that the album would be a great buy but I was definitely disappointed. I am happy I did not pay much for it. There is potential for this band as I think is evidenced by the sample song, but they truly need to figure out when to let themselves go so that their future music does not seem as form
ulaic as this album.

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